A Common Question
When I work with clients, there is a very common question in our conversation:
CLIENT: Oh that! We don’t use it anymore and now it’s just taking up space.
BETH: Okay. May I set it aside to donate?
CLIENT: Oh, but it’s valuable. Shouldn’t I sell it? I get it. We remember what we paid for things, and it can feel foolish to give things away.
Maybe we have a 25-year old written appraisal saying something is valuable. Or it still has a price tag. Or Auntie insists it’s collectible!

Organization decisions are ALWAYS your choice. If my clients say they want to sell vs. donate, I ask them to consider “The Three T’s”:
TRENDS: The market value of furniture, antiques and collectibles fluctuates based on current trends. For example, Victorian antiques were hot in the 1980’s, but are worth much less today. Very few things hold value over time. But real estate does! And nothing is more valuable than optimizing the spaces where you live.
TROUBLE: Selling is work. You must photograph, measure, describe, list, message, take offers, meet the buyer(s) or pack and ship, etc. Your time is valuable! Make sure it’s worth your trouble to deal with rounds of questions, best offers, selling fees and meetups. Many clients have shared that the net profit was not worth the hassle.
TODAY: It’s my experience that clients who want to sell need to act right away. If they don’t, the item will remain where it’s been for the next five to ten years, and I haven’t helped them get their space back. And that’s what I care most about! So if you want to sell…
- Group everything you want to sell, photograph it and list it RIGHT NOW, or
- Let me put the items in your car to take to a consignment store before the week ends.
Whether we have one, three, or multiple sessions, my clients consistently tell me that the most valuable things left in their home are PEACE, FUNCTION, and SPACE. Sometimes, donation is the shortest road to freedom (and my service includes loading your boxed items into your vehicle or mine).
I’m here to help you find, display and enjoy the things you love. Your unwanted stuff may be a huge blessing to someone else. Reach out today to learn more. -Beth, DeJunk Fast
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