1.Turn off Autoship
Many of my clients have been auto-shipped more supplements, beauty products and dog food than they can ever use. It’s easy to overestimate how often we run out of things. Check your auto-ships and Subscribe-and-Saves to make sure you’re not losing money and space to unwanted shipments.

2. Think Twice Before Saving Boxes.
“But it’s a good box!” I know. But half the clutter I see in basements is empty boxes! Sure, save a few if you must, but flatten them to save space.

3. Know What You Have.
It will prevent you from overbuying things. When we feel unsure about supplies, we re-buy at the store. When you declutter and get organized, it’s easier to see what you have and save money by not overbuying.

4. Be Careful About Letting People Store Things at Your House.
Friends and family don’t want to store it at their houses, so they give it to you. Don’t let anyone use your home as a storage unit unless you can do it cheerfully, and you have space to spare.

5. Eliminate Temptation
I love yard sales, thrift shops, estate sales and dollar stores just like you do. Are you getting a hangover from too many bargains and not enough space? If so, indulge in these treasure hunts less often, or resist the urge to buy things just because they’re cheap. Make sure the bargains are adding to your energy rather than just being one more thing to maintain.
-Beth at DeJunk Fast

Need Help Creating Some Outflow and Order?
Book an appointment with me to get decluttered and organized. No one regrets it!